ESSE HEPAR Super Premium


  • supports weight loss and good cholesterol levels
  • supports the health of the liver, intestines and proper functioning of the digestive system

Milk thistle

  • supports digestion and improves body cleansing
  • protects liver cells and supports their regeneration process


  • supports the functioning and health of the digestive system
  • supports digestion and regular bowel movements


  • prevents the accumulation of fats in the liver and facilitates their excretion
  • facilitates liver function and supports digestion

Black pepper

  • increases the effectiveness of herbal active ingredients
  • helps control body weight and maintain natural digestive functions

Vitamin B2

  • contributes to maintaining proper energy metabolism
  • helps in the proper functioning of the nervous system
  • helps maintain the proper condition of mucous membranes
  • helps maintain the proper condition of red blood cells
  • helps maintain healthy skin
  • helps maintain proper vision
  • contributes to maintaining proper iron metabolism
  • helps protect cells against oxidative stress
  • contributes to reducing the feeling of fatigue and weariness

Vitamin B6

  • helps in the proper synthesis of cysteine
  • contributes to maintaining proper energy metabolism
  • helps in the proper functioning of the nervous system
  • helps maintain proper homocysteine metabolism
  • contributes to maintaining proper protein and glycogen metabolism
  • helps maintain proper psychological functions
  • helps in the proper production of red blood cells
  • helps in the proper functioning of the immune system
  • contributes to reducing the feeling of fatigue and weariness
  • contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity

Vitamin B12

  • helps maintain the proper functioning of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise
  • helps in the proper production of collagen to ensure the proper functioning of blood vessels
  • helps in the proper production of collagen to ensure proper functioning of bones
  • helps in the proper production of collagen to ensure the proper functioning of cartilage
  • helps in the proper production of collagen to ensure the proper functioning of the gums
  • helps in the proper production of collagen to ensure the proper functioning of the skin
  • helps in the proper production of collagen to ensure the proper functioning of teeth
  • contributes to maintaining proper energy metabolism
  • helps in the proper functioning of the nervous system
  • helps maintain proper psychological functions
  • helps in the proper functioning of the immune system
  • helps protect cells against oxidative stress
  • contributes to reducing the feeling of fatigue and weariness
  • helps regenerate the reduced form of vitamin E
  • increases iron absorption